New NTM Patient Care UK poster and NTM leaflets now available!

We now have posters promoting NTM Patient Care UK available in both A4 & A3 sizes. We also have leaflets containing contact information for NTM Patient Care UK as well as providing answers to a range of frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to NTM. These materials are designed for for display in respiratory clinics and other suitable spaces and can be requested by healthcare professionals (HCPs) for their clinic or by NTM patients to share with their HCP team.

Please contact NTM Patient Care UK at with your contact details and the number of posters and leaflets you would like and we will happily send you some.


Join NTM Patient Care UK on our regular Zoom calls!


NTM Patient Care UK provides evidence to The Scottish Medicines Consortium (SMC) Committee in assessment of new NTM treatment.