An amazing fund-raising achievement for NTM Patient Care UK!

What an amazing achievement by NTM Patient Care UK trustee Tanya Sinnet and her daughter Rachel; not only did they complete the Cardiff Half Marathon on October 1st, but they also managed to raise over £1000 for NTM Patient Care UK. Some of you may have seen Tanya’s posts on the NTM Patient Care UK Facebook page, and if so, you will appreciate just what an undertaking such an event was for Tanya, and how NTM made a tough challenge even tougher for her. However, her determination and the support from Rachel meant that despite all these challenges Tanya has proved just what can be achieved when one is determined enough.

A huge thank you to all of those of you who donated…. and if anyone else would like to consider undertaking any similar events with NTM Patient Care UK as their nominated charity, then this would be hugely appreciated, and we now have a Just Giving page to help facilitate this. Donations and fund raising events such as this make a massive difference to the support and information that we can continue to provide to NTM patients and their wider care community.


A great opportunity at the British Thoracic Society winter meeting for NTM Patient Care UK to raise the profile of both NTM, and the information and support we provide to NTM patients.


A new leaflet on treatment of NTM is now available from NTM Patient Care UK!